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Lancaster & Heysham SSN
Booking for SSN Mental Wellbeing Leaders: Friday 21st March 11.45-2:45
We will be hosting a mental health & wellbeing session for your yr 5/6 pupils with support from the sports students from the University of Cumbria, Sports Complex. It is an opportunity for pupils to work on growth mind-set, communication, teamwork, defining mental health & wellbeing and developing those all-important life skills. Hopefully, they can also then support your school’s sport and activity offer.
They will move around a series of stations with other schools and have a go at each area. Please ensure you let us know how many pupils, approximately, you plan on bringing so we can allocate groups, between 2-6 pupils from year 5/6 (1 team per school). These may be a different group to your sports leaders. Ideally, think about pupils with a
good level of maturity and empathy, or who are good communicators with staff and pupils alike.
Mental Health & Wellbeing Day- Stations would look something like:
Everyone will move around together as 1 bigger group.
11.45-12.15 Pupils are able to have their packed lunch together and start developing those social skills!
1) Sportshall- Barry/Dan – Working together: Resilience, Communication, Growth Mind-set
2) Sportshall 2- UoC students & Steven/Dan- Theory & Discussion Area- What is mental health & wellbeing, what to look for, how can we help?
3) Astro 3 & outdoor- Whatever the weather; Dan- Being a friend & making the most of the outdoors
4) Sportshall- Millie & UoC- Having fun- Smile, Move & Dance!
The deadline entry date is: Thursday 6th March
We look forward to hearing from you!
More info here: Leadership Conference- Primary March 25 UoC
Get in touch
Contact Lancaster and Heysham School Sports Network, if you have any questions or comments please get in touch.
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