Disney & FA Training

Thanks to all of the schools that attended the recent Disney Storytelling training at Mossgate.  The scheme is delivered in partnership with ourselves, YST, The FA and Disney! Fantastic scheme!!  Good luck with your delivery.  Please remember to keep registers.


Any schools can download free resources, inclduing Disney booklets, and watch videos of drills and so on at: https://girlsfootballinschools.org/  All school should try the website take the time to write a pledge (it takes 5 minutes pleeeaaasssseeeee!!!) 

We really want to show impact so if you start doing more girls football or use any of the resources please let Steven know on [email protected] extra data really helps!!


Further courses have been sent out via your emails and posted on here.



Also, please don't forget to complete your inclusive Health Checks (button at foot of page)  at https://www.yourschoolgames.com/app/

and Active School Planners at https://www.activeschoolplanner.org/ both should help you in your school delivery.



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