European School Sports Day!

Following on from our last 'updates' post (


The Great British Week of Sport takes place from Saturday 19 September to Sunday 27 September, forming the bedrock of the UK’s delivery of the European Week of Sport. On Friday 25th September European School Sports day will take place to promote physical activity at school to support children's physical, mental and social benefits of PE, school sport and physical activity.


European Schools Sports Day

The European School Sports Day is being celebrated by over 9000 schools from across Europe, with over 3 million participants. The aim of the day is for children to take part in at least 120 minutes of physical activity on the day, which as we know, will improve their health and wellbeing. The North Western Counties Physical Education Association has created a web portal on its website that explains the aims of the initiative and how the day can be organised. Please follow the link on the NWCPEA website    to access the materials. All the materials are those Lancashire SGO's and @LancsPE created for the Stay at home 10 week programme. We want to beat the previous number of young people across Europe being physical active for 120 minutes. There are clear instructions as to how each school can register, plan their day, print off individual student records and also certificates. There are two videos by Jenny Meadows (Olympic Athlete) which initially explain the day and its objectives and then provide guidance for the actual day, including a short warm up.



“120 CHALLENGE” European School Sports Day

Here are the top five reasons to join the European School Sport Day:


·         Raise the profile of physical education (PE) and sport in schools.

·         Create fun and enjoyment through physical activity for young people.

·         Promote health and wellbeing for lifelong learning.

·         Encourage social inclusion and develop social competence amongst students.

·         Connect with other European countries.


This event would be a great focus for schools to work towards as they get back to some kind of normal.

It is vital that schools register for the event so they can be counted in the number of young people being active for 120 mins that day both in and out of school. Both the YST and afPE have said they will support NWCPEA and they are asking for your support to encourage schools to sign up. As Lancashire have provided all the material if we need to get a good number of schools signed up and registered for the event. It would be easy for schools to use the Learn and Challenge materials for 3 weeks to lead up to this day.

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